Saturday, July 30, 2011
Chicken Wire is My Friend!!!
Since tomorrow is Shane's 35th birthday and I want to be able to devote all the time to him I have decided to post my Sunday post one day early! So, Friday I was bored and wanted to do something crafty. Off to Google I went to search out the perfect craft, the only stipulation I gave myself was that it couldn't cost me anything. After less that 10 minutes of searching I found it!!! It was glorious, and metal, and sparkly, and well perfect!!! After getting started on it I realized it was perfect for the original person, it wasn't perfect for me, so I tweaked it! What is this most awesome craft? I will tell you, its a Chicken Wire Chandelier. If you would like to try it yourself this is the blog I found it on, she has a ton of really amazing crafts and projects! Other news around here is I have babies!!! Baby plants that is, amazingly only 4 days after our seeds went into the ground we already have a couple of pumpkins and a ton of black eyed peas coming up thanks to the nice rain we got the beginning of the week!!! Well that's all for me folks! See you guys Wed.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Long time, no post!
Hey kiddies! Sorry to be AWOL for so long, but in the Wild Wild West, I had very little wireless reception, and even less free time! Every minute was jam-packed with family, food, and fun (someone likes alliteration!)
So a quick run-down of what went on! GET READY FOR PICTURE MADNESS

First, we romped on Cannon Beach (mum and me.)

Looked at cool kelp colonies.

Found crab legs

Snuggled my niece and made dandelion wreaths.

So a quick run-down of what went on! GET READY FOR PICTURE MADNESS
First, we romped on Cannon Beach (mum and me.)
Looked at cool kelp colonies.
Found crab legs
Snuggled my niece and made dandelion wreaths.
Played badminton with my brother, against my aunt and uncle (mostly poorly.)

Rode horses. Apollo is a lovely Peruvian Paso Fino stud muffin.

Went to Multnomah Falls (mom, me, niece.)

Saw all the Cooper clan! (Mom, grandpa, me, Ian, dad, and uncle Chris.)

Got tattoos. I give Thom a big thumbs up.

Even mom got one!

Had a nice, relaxing flight back.
Before I left, Boo Boo and I had a date with the scissors.

Rode horses. Apollo is a lovely Peruvian Paso Fino stud muffin.
Went to Multnomah Falls (mom, me, niece.)
Saw all the Cooper clan! (Mom, grandpa, me, Ian, dad, and uncle Chris.)
Got tattoos. I give Thom a big thumbs up.
Even mom got one!
Had a nice, relaxing flight back.
Before I left, Boo Boo and I had a date with the scissors.
He's looking a little rough, but feeling a bit cooler I imagine. I put up all the nice bits in a container, but I left a basket of all the dirty or matted bits in a basket and forgot about it. Came home and found that apparently the cats spent the week rolling in it and rubbing it into the carpet. How thoughtful.
The chicken babies that I got in March are pretty much all grown now! They're a little smaller than my big girls, but they're looking like real chickens.

The chicken babies that I got in March are pretty much all grown now! They're a little smaller than my big girls, but they're looking like real chickens.
Poofy cheeks is lovely.
The tomatoes and beans had a rolling good time while I was away!

PUMPKIN BABIES! I'm excited about these. I've been waging war against the vine borers, but I'm determined to win! I have two other HUGE ones that are oblong shaped and still green :-)
PUMPKIN BABIES! I'm excited about these. I've been waging war against the vine borers, but I'm determined to win! I have two other HUGE ones that are oblong shaped and still green :-)
In crafty news, I made a carrier for my kindle, since I'm irresponsible and break things and/or leave them out where people can see and/or steal them. My supplies:
- Composition book: $0.40
- Mod podge
- X-acto knife
- Velcro tabs
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Fall Garden and Chicken Coop!
Hey there readers! We got the garden planted Sunday in between rain showers, finally the Thrift family has gotten on the ball. We also picked up the fencing material for the chicken coop from my Momma's house. So big thanks go out to her. Our chicken coop has been a work in progress that started early this year. We have build all of it so far with salvaged and recycled materials, including the roof. The fencing has been our main hold up in completing it, because it is so expensive at the hardware stores. So hopefully soon you will not only get to see pictures of the garden as it grows and matures but also our chickens! Sarah, my blogging partner is at this moment on a plane heading home, so hopefully we will see her here Friday with all sorts of fun stuff from her trip!
Yay for Fencing!!!!
From Left to Right Cowpeas, Broccoli and Carrots, Little pumpkins, and the last two rows are jack o lantern pumpkins. We are all germinating together!!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Meet the other family members.
Hey people! You might have noticed that Sarah didn't post yesterday. That's because she is in Oregon on vacation, we won't hold that against her though. Since we here at the Thrift homestead haven't gotten the garden completely done this weekend, I thought you guys would like to meet the youngest children. Riley is our two year old Calico, and Shelby is our three month old kitten. They are both insane and wonderful, at this second Shelby is attacking the cord to my computer mouse. So here they are to oooooh and awwww over. See you guys Wednesday.

Riley Laying on the chair

Soooooo Sleepy, Shelby ooozes..

War of the Kitties.

Sleeping together.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
What! Its time to plant my fall garden already!
While the rest of the nation and most of GA is still harvesting what their spring gardens have given them, we here in the deep of the deep south are already tilling, buying seed, and planting our fall gardens. We here at the Thrift homestead are running a bit behind. The tiller has sprung a gas leak, and with Cheyenne being in Utah visiting family, Shane and I have taken some time just to relax. This fall we are planting pumpkins to sell in October both Jack O Lantern size and small cooking and decoration size, technically they were suppose to be in last week, but... We are also planting broccoli, carrots, and cow peas aka black eyed peas. This is the first year I will be planting black eyed peas, so hopefully fingers crossed it will be a great yield. I have been told that if that make they can be left on the vine to dry or they freeze really well when fresh picked. Well that's all for me today folks, tune in Friday for Sarah's next post! See y'all later!
We bought all the seed except for our Jack O Lantern seed. Hopefully next fall I will not have to buy mini pumpkin seed either.
This is what our garden looks like at the moment. Lots of weeds with a tiny bit tilled.
Our problem children are still in the garden as well. I counted yesterday and we still have 5 watermelons growing and ripening.
Monday, July 18, 2011
And Then There Were Two
Hello everyone! I'm Sarah, resident hippie and comedic relief. Like Patricia said, we are long-time friends (holy moly 14 years!) and fellow devotees of the modern hippie movement. Currently, I reside on an acre in a tiny town in Kentucky, but I'm soon to be purchasing a house myself, which should provide plenty of lol's for all. Patricia may have the kids and hubby to make her life a zoo, but I have a REAL zoo in mine! At current count, I have:

Later gators,
- 5 hens, 3 roosters. Oh my.

Guess what? Chicken butt!
- 3 cats
- 1 angora rabbit, clipped last night and looking ridiculous!
- 1 saltwater fishtank, 39 gallons total
- 1 hermit crab, a charity rescue
Later gators,

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Welcome To Hippie Chicks.
Hello and welcome, I am Patricia. I am a Georgia girl born and raised. Hippie Chicks has been created by my dear friend Sarah and myself to get out there what we live, a modern day hippie lifestyle. What will make us different is that obviously there will be 2 contributors to this blog. We will be covering everything from small scale farming to crafts and cooking.Now a little about myself. I am a homemaker, a momma, and a wife. I am also an avid reader and outdoorsy. I hope you will enjoy reading about all of our many subjects.
The Thrift Family. Patricia, Cheyenne, and Shane.
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