Sorry for the late post! Promise we're going to get back on schedule.
So yesterday was Labor Day, and for like the FIRST TIME ever, I was actually off work. How weird. What did I do???
I LABORED! All weekend. Well, part of the weekend. Some of the weekend. A little bit of the weekend...
Yesterday I mostly ran around outside in the rain, excited that it was under 80 degrees outside! I've been painting furniture, Day of the Dead skeletons, you name it!
Some things I've made:
Buttermilk pumpkin donuts. Oh my God they were good.
While making these I got this:
My first double-yolk egg!! I'm pretty sure that means that my girls are getting fat, but it's so neat I don't care. You go girls!
One of my little Americauna/Maran girls laid her first egg.
It's in the middle. It's a pretty goose-turd green in real life.
Two words:
Homemade vanilla.
Oh yeah baby. I used a Kentucky distilled vodka, called Pure Blue, I think, the first distiller to come back to the distillery district in Lexington. It actually doesn't taste like rubbing alcohol. Not bad!
In non-culinary goings-on, I made a curtain for two of my friends' office.
Love the hounds tooth!
I also finally made rag balls out of this huge roll of fabric I got at a thrift store for $2. I think I'm going to make a braided rug.
I didn't make these last things, but I'm such a proud momma about this! I have a 30 gallon saltwater tank, and even though I ignore it most of the time like a terrible person, I do get super-excited about it. A couple of months ago, I bought a type of coral called a rhodactis mushroom (fancy name) that was a lovely aqua color. Love it. Paid $10 for one piece I loved it so much. Yesterday, I noticed this:
My little baby coral split in to THREE!! Hurray! I love corals. So neat.
Here's a pretty dirty shot of the whole thing from a few weeks ago.
I've got some cleaning to do!
Hope you all had a good holiday!
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