Monday, February 6, 2012

New toys!!!! And SLIME!

This weekend my husband and I bought our new washer and dryer. A lot of people probably don't see a big deal with that, but we do! This is the fist new set we have ever bought in our almost 6 years of marriage!!!! They are so amazingly quiet, I almost forget that they are on! Here is a picture of the pretty's!

Here is a fun activity to go with the little ones in your life! Last Monday my girl scout troop made slime, I love this stuff! Once it gets done it lasts forever and cleans up off of anything! Here is how to make it!

You will need:
Elmer's White Glue
Borax Powder
Food Coloring
Ziploc bags both for mixing and for storing the slime.

Here is a link to the actual recipe

I did make a couple of changes to the how to, like we used Ziploc bags instead of bowls to mix the slime, it cut down on the mess by a ton and with 6 girls doing the same activity lack of mess was a good thing. I also premixed the water and glue, and borax and water. Sorry there are no pictures of the girls actually making the slime, but I was going around helping each of them.

 The table where I had everything set up.
 The Glue and water mixture.
 Food Coloring
This is what I had the borax and water mix in.

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