Monday, March 5, 2012

Its Growing!!!!

Another year, another spring, brings a new planted garden! As of now we have broccoli, carrots, and peas in the ground. Guess what, they are all up. After last fall's dismal failure in the broccoli and carrots dept. I am so happy to see them growing! My challenge at the moment is fabricating the fence for my peas to grow on as they already have tendrils growing. As of now working on the fence I already have 2 blisters and cuts all over my arms from the chicken wire. One row is completely done and the other row is short so it won't be as much work. Here are some pictures of the lovely growing world!

The two planted rows. The row on the left are just peas. The row on the right is carrots, broccoli, and a few more peas.
These 2 are pictures are of the fence I have thoroughly injured myself creating...
The pots on my front steps. The big pots have violas in them and the little ones are strawberries.
Strawberry plant, already has a strawberry on it!
Last but not least, these are my garlic plants! And there is a little strawberry plant in the planter on the right. It was the only one that grew out of my first attempt. Never buy strawberry plants that are closed up in a plastic bag.

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