Monday, August 22, 2011

New Knitting Goods

Well, it's been a busy weekend, folks! I spent 3 days in Bowling Green, in western Kentucky, finally selling my roosters! Hurray! I love roosters, but I sure won't miss being woken up at 5 am.

While I was there, my friend, Jordan, gifted me a set of Denise interchangeable needles, which had previously been given to her. She didn't like working with them, but I am *thrilled*.

My excitement knows no bounds.

I did decide that its 1980's cover needed some updating.

Mmm, taupe marble!

So, if I lived in a country where it was legal to marry and inanimate object, I would certainly marry Mod-Podge. It has never let me down. I had a cool vintage-y looking piece of fabric laying around that actually matched the inside of the case (which is kind of beige), so I went to town!

Getting glued!

I put down a pretty good layer of Mod-Podge on the surface, smoothed the fabric over it, and then did a coat on the outside. I trimmed the fabric to fit, and did one last coat on the edges to keep it from fraying.

And here it is all dry! And I've already got a project cast on!

And here you can see that it doesn't entirely clash! YAAAY!!

Really not bad for 30 minutes of effort.

But of course, I couldn't stop there! I had a little tin that I had gotten from work (it used to hold staples) that I wanted to use as a new notions case. Soo...

I made it match too.

It has magnetic tape in the lid to hold all of my yarn needles. All of my fancy stitch markers are hooked on to my cable needle, so I can stop losing them. Even my x-acto fits when I take the blade off, so not razor vs finger accidents!

Hopefully I'll be able to stop myself from Mod-Podging EVERYTHING THAT MOVES.

Watch out ;-)

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