Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Yummers!!!! Summer in a Jar!

I am posting later than usual today because I have been a very busy bee today. This year my garden produced a ton of watermelons, as I said in a previous post. I had so many that at the end of July I had 6 sitting on my kitchen counter and no idea what to do with them. Then I had a thought, what about making them into jelly! Off to the interweb I went to try and see if anyone else had this same slightly insane idea. Turns out several people have. The recipe I found was on, it is an amazing canning blog with tons and tons of really great recipes. When I juiced the watermelons Monday I ended up with 24 cups of watermelon juice. I quadrupled the original recipe which only called for 6 cups of the juice. Fast forward to today I went to the blog that I found the recipe on and it was gone, poof... Oh crap, so as quickly as I could I went searching for the same recipe somewhere else, and found it. This website is nuts, its all about watermelons. I have taken tastes of it throughout today and I must say it is amazing! It tastes like summer in a jar! So for your enjoyment here are the pictures of Watermelon Jelly making, taken by my lovely and wonderful assistant Michelle!

In other news! I am now the proud leader of Daisy Girl Scout troop 30228!!! I am so excited! My momma is hopefully going to be my co-leader, so lots of fun to be seen from that!!! Also, today after I got done with my canning Michelle and I went through my clothes... I am a bit guilty of clothes hoarding, as in I never go through the stuff and get rid of things that I will never fit into again... Happily I am now down to 4 drawers, 3 small stacks of pants and shorts, and 1 small space in the closet for my hanging clothes. My reason for doing it now is so that I can get rid of one dresser in our room. With this extra free space we are finally going to bring in my big sewing machine, and make a crafting area for me! Yay!!! Seeya Sunday readers!!!

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