I've tried all different kinds of natural deodorants, and I've always felt like they just leave you smelly. I understand they aren't antiperspirant, but I can't handle smelly. Luckily for me, a friend gave me a recipe that she said she liked, and, after one use, I LOVED IT. For real. Not kidding at all when I say it works better than any conventional deodorant I've ever had! No, it isn't antiperspirant, but you NEVER smell.
And so, I share with you my secret.
There are 3 ingredients.
4 if you're feeling fancy.
It's simply a paste of 1 part baking soda, 1 part cornstarch, and enough coconut oil to make a paste. I used 1/4 c of each powder, and around 5 or 6 tablespoons of oil (REALLY approximate. You just keep adding until it seems right.)
Coconut oil melts at very low temperatures, so the stirring should let it all mix together well (my oil had melted and re-solidified a few times, but it still worked fine, just a little lumpy to begin with.) It should be about the consistency of mashed potatoes. You can also add essential oil if it suits your fancy. I used jasmine last time, and lavender this time. Both are delightful. Plain is also just fine.
It should make you so happy, you look like this.
That's a honey, cinnamon, and nutmeg mask. Delightful. Smells fantastic. People will want to lick your face.
And here's the end product. The tin came from the Container Store (aka, Mecca. Omg. Love.)
So why do I have that enormous bag of baking soda, you ask? Probably because baking soda is the best thing on the PLANET. I use it for everything. I especially like to use it old-school-style as a cleanser, and I was going to make myself a little shaker out of a mason jar, but then I found this.
For 25 cents.
In quick other news!
Huge awesome vintage pepper shaker. Really excited.
Really not excited about this.

Squished a black widow in the kitchen. Apparently it was a juvenile, as it had lighter stripes on its legs, and red markings on its back. Wasn't really sure it was a black widow, but it looked sinister, so I swallowed my hippie pride and squished it. Glad I did. Sorry, babe, but you can't hang out on my oven drawer.
Really not excited about this.
Squished a black widow in the kitchen. Apparently it was a juvenile, as it had lighter stripes on its legs, and red markings on its back. Wasn't really sure it was a black widow, but it looked sinister, so I swallowed my hippie pride and squished it. Glad I did. Sorry, babe, but you can't hang out on my oven drawer.
Bunny hutch is done! Bunny escaped because I just butted his cages up together... oops. He hasn't figured out the second storey yet.
I've also been moving like crazy ...
And that's just the furniture that's going in storage.
And these are my battle scars.
In tragic news, moved the chickens to a friend's wooded lot... did not fix the door.
Something ate through the bungee cord. Louise, you will be missed. Thelma is going to be heartbroken.
Well, that was my weekend! Hope you all are doing well!
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