Monday, July 9, 2012

You are What You........

OK OK, I know I haven't written a post in forever its been a crazy few months. I have said it before and I will say it again, the most amazing thing about living where I do is the fact that we not only get a Spring growing season like the rest of the country, but we get a Fall and Winter season too!! So, drum roll please!!!!!! This is what I am planting this fall!!!

But first a little about the company I order seed from. The company is called Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. In the vast world of seed they are a small company. Their company sells Heirloom Seed, which in easy terms means you can harvest the seed from the fruits, vegetables, or flowers and plant it again and again without the risk of unnaturally genetically modifying it. For the already garden savvy they are Non GMO. Please visit them at

 First up Cowpeas, or as they are known in my neck of the woods, Black Eyed Peas. These grow amazingly in my area! Last fall I was able to pick and dry over 2 lbs. of beans on a shorter row than I have now! They will be planted mixed together on one row. The 2 varieties I will be planting on the same row are Purple Hull Pink Eyed and Purple Hulled Specked peas.

 Next are the Green Bean types. Another fun fact about me is that I Preserve by canning, a lot!!! Green beans are my favorite thing in the world to can as well! I was able to put up 22 jars of beans over this summer, but that will not be enough to last through the winter and back into next summer as I learned last year. So, I am growing them again, but this time I am adding a variety at my Husband's request. The 2 varieties are the classic Blue Lake Bush 274 and the new is the Roma II Bush, which is a Italian style flat green bean. Each will have a full row.

Last in the Bean category are the Butter Bean/ Lima Beans. These like the Black Eyed Peas will be dried. I have never tried to grow Lima's but I have been told I live in a good area for them to thrive! They will be planted together on 1 row half and half. The 2 varieties of these are Dixie Speckled Butterpea and Henderson's Bush Lima beans.

In a category all its own is the Corn. I will be planting 4 rows of corn this fall!!! This spring I had only 2 rows and I really really hoped it would be enough to can, but no, not even close. I will be planting both sweet eating corn and dent feed corn for the critters. I am changing the variety of sweet corn after the really very sad sad yield I got this summer. On the other hand the Dent corn really produced amazingly and we already have a quarter of a 5 gallon bucket filled with dry kernels and still have more drying to add. The 2 varieties are Golden Bantam 12 Row, the sweet and Thompson Prolific Dent Corn the name is very fitting.

The final, I am growing you to stick you in a jar veggie, is Cucumbers!!! I love pickles so so much! Sadly because of all the rain this spring my cucumbers I planted didn't make because they were choked out be weeds before they had a chance and we couldn't fight them fast enough! Hopefully this Fall we will have better luck and I will get a TON to make up for it!!!!! These 2 varieties are Delikatesse Cucumbers and Parisian Pickling Cucumbers, awesome names I think!!!

Last, but certainly not least is the one type of plant any good fall garden should have!!! PUMPKINS of course!!! I hope we have a good yield, because not only do I want to have a fully decorated yard this year, but I would also like to sell a few to fund my makeup and beauty item habits!!! The varieties we are planting are Connecticut Field Pumpkins and Jack be Little Pumpkins!

Ok, now, this little beauty is the freebie I got with my seed order. Every order gets a free packet of seeds, I am not sure if there is a certain amount you have to spend before you get it or not, but I have received a packet with everyone of my orders. I do grow tomatoes, but I have a really hard time starting them from seed because of the spring humidity and rain and my lack of a green house for winter sprouting. I buy seedlings. So, in my other blog , I am working on getting together a bunch of cool products to giveaway. I am going to be adding this packet of tomato seeds to my giveaway collection. I don't know when I will do the giveaway, so keep an eye out on both blogs! 

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