Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Organizing Life.

I admit, I am an over organizer and over planner. I make lists and schedules for lots of things. Thankfully it is finally paying off. As many of you readers know I am a first year girl scout leader. I have talked to a few other new leaders and they have told me that they feel overwhelmed.  Over the last month and a half everything has started moving very quickly, between training, meetings, getting girls that are interested, and planning our year. So what do I do with all of this new information that has been thrown at me, I organize it all in binders, and notebooks, and folders. Last night we had our Leaders meeting and fall sales training. It drove me crazy that so much information was thrown out there with no real rhyme or reason, so today I had to look over everything again and pick up all the main points so the parents of my scouts could understand. So that's what has been keeping me busy, no fun crafties, no new planting (Well that's a lie, Momma brought me new houseplant babies for a planter I have had forever)... Sad isn't it? Here are some pictures of my world of scouts, and my new houseplant babies.

In other news, my garden has blown UP! I have pumpkins blooming and vining everywhere and my black eyed peas have pods on them, they are super cool looking!

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